Oracle Card from ME Deck: painted by Shelley Stockwell Nicholas. www.hypnosisfederation.com
You don't have to be a genius to be successful; but you do need purpose to drive you to become a master or expert in your field. It doesn't matter what the industry is, Cooking, Consulting, Sales, Politics, or Medicine. When you have passion, you have the drive and dedication to persevere.
When you look at people who have made a significant contribution to the world, their work, their community, you may ask, "why?" What do they have in common? It definitely is more than ambition, power or money. Most are not driven at all about what appears to be important to others. What sets them apart is a calling that stirs deep within them. They hear their inner voice constantly that pushes them incessantly to do what they need to do. Yes, they are driven but not by success. They have an instinctual urge that spurs them on to do what they are called to do. A Soul Calling.
We all have a calling but most of us listen to external "you should do this", rather than our heart's desire. Ask yourself, "Am I working in a job to pay bills, or am I really enjoying the work that I do?" I worked many years in a job I did not like, and I used to tell my husband, "My soul is crying." I knew I was living an existence of mediocracy because I wasn't following my heart. I took the safe route. However, on the side I practiced hypnosis and studied metaphysical subjects for decades. This is what made me happy because I was passionate about it.
Dr. Travis Bradberry wrote a brilliant article why "Passion is Important to Be Successful. 9 Things Passionate People Do Differently.
1. Passionate people are obsessed.
2. They don't waste time.
3. They're optimistic.
4. They're early risers.
5. They're willing to take big risks.
6. They only have one speed - full tilt.
7. They talk about their passions all the time.
8. They're highly excitable.
9. They're all about their work."
This list made me ponder about myself and others I know who have become successful by following their joy and passion. I looked at my former job and recognized the people who were superstars in the company. Most had these traits. I think of famous people like Einstein and Marie Curie who certainly were passionate. I think of my dad who made a difference to thousands of kids over his lifetime because he loved what he did. I think of my friends who passionately created healing businesses, authored books, and channeled inspiration to help others. I think of myself and grateful for finally waking up and listening to my passion.
If you are happy and thriving, that's terrific. If you are settling, ask yourself, "What matters most?" You will know when the timing is right to make a change. Perhaps you can do what you love on the side like I did. If you don't know what it is, an astrological natal chart might help. It identifies your innate gifts and talents. www.astro.cafeastrology.com is a free site that hopefully will provide some insight. You can always try a hypnosis session with me as well. "It's never too late to live happily ever after"...