Painted by Shelley Stockwell Nicholas and from her
ME Artful Living HYPNO-TAROT deck
Is home a place like Dorothy who clicked her heels three times to be back to the comfort and security of a loving family? Or is it a feeling of acceptance and appreciation for who you are? Perhaps it is a recognition that home is a family you created made of loving friends who "get you" and are your biggest cheerleaders. Maybe home is a spiritual connection to God and it is this feeling of grace that grants you the most peace and comfort. Take a moment and ask yourself, "What is "home" to me?"
Home for me is all the above, and a strong one is connection to family; especially to my adult son. I have tried to encourage him to feel "home" where ever he is in life. To give him a sense of confidence and independence; a liberation from me. It's hard for me at times for most men want and need to learn for themselves. As they should. However, I know there are mothers like me who know when their son grows up and leaves the nest, a part of their connection changes. We know it's normal, but it still feels scary at times. Intellectually I know he's safe, but I still want to provide the guidance and protection I gave him when he was young.
A truism: If I do, then I prevent him from valuable learning and growing as a man who gains strength, character and confidence. I still "mother" him at times but I realize when I do the conversation is cut short; while I watch my husband's eyes roll. Luckily I can laugh at myself and hope my son can too.
Another truism: My home is my heart; and he will always have it. His home is a place where he feels embraced, respected, and understood. His home is a connection with his own tribe of friends that love him dearly. His home is a comfort zone where free expression and ease resides.
As I reflect, I can appreciate the home I have; and the physical sense of security it provides. I am reminded to be grateful for the fulfilling connections of loved ones in my life.
Perhaps you too can smile knowing that home is exactly what you created as I did. If it's not, you can change your circumstance at any moment. Notice your thoughts and see how you want "home" to feel and look like. Now take action. It's that easy. By changing your mind, you change your life...and when you symbolically click your heels three times, you may just find yourself in love with yourself and your life because you are "home".