Painted by Shelley Stockwell Nicholas for her Dr. Shelley's ME deck. She "created these cards with hand-painted illustrations to evoke thought, wisdom, and dialogue. Use them for inspiration, motivation and guidance." shelleynicholas@cox.net
Imagination is Inspired Information. We have all the tools within to help us feel good on a daily basis. Of course, life throws us hardballs. They are learning lessons. It's how we deal with these hardballs that makes the difference in our mental and physical health.
Why is imagination so important? Because our subconscious mind does not recognize the difference between real and imagined. If we imagine and rekindle a beautiful memory, our emotions and physiology changes to reflect what we are feeling. If we imagine a positive outcome of a future event as if it was happening now, chances are the scenario in our mind will produce what we imagined. Especially if repeated with passion or positive happy feelings while imagining.
Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine a time when you heard wonderful compliments given to you about something you said or did. Perhaps an accomplishment or an act of kindness. Take just a few seconds NOW to do this.
The memory was enjoyable, and it made you feel good. It also uplifted your frequency as you imagined. Each and every time you uplift, you are programming your subconscious mind to feel good; and when your mind feels good, your body feels good.
Now close your eyes once again and this time imagine or relive a memory when you were helping someone with your words or kindness. Notice how they felt and reacted. Notice your feelings. Take a few seconds to do this. I promise you will feel good.
It's so easy to feel joy. When you feel good, you do good. Our world needs more people to uplift and feel terrific about self and others. Make the decision to imagine every day. It doesn't take a lot of time or effort to create a wellbeing feeling in your mind. It's a gift, and one that keeps on giving.