Oracle Card from ME Deck: painted by Shelley Stockwell Nicholas.
We all know the story of The Little Engine that Could. Perseverance and belief in self, "I think I can, I think I can" helps you reach your goal. Sometimes we need extra effort to get us closer to what we want. A daily habit or ritual will give you the competitive edge with yourself for it's the mindset with action that creates change.
Here are some daily rituals to ponder:
I have a friend that writes every morning at the crack of dawn. She has authored twenty-nine books to date.
A relative wakes up at five-thirty every morning to exercise before work. She has lost over twenty-five pounds.
Another friend produces multiple reels and posts daily on social media, has over four hundred thousand followers, and travels extensively around the world teaching what she loves.
I have learned from the above amazing women and have chosen to model after them; writing every morning, exercising every day, and creating reels that encourage love and positivity. I have made these daily rituals a priority by scheduling these activities first in my calendar. Every other commitment is scheduled around them. By doing this, I have aligned my subconscious mind with positive beliefs and repetitive action.
Ask yourself, "What do I want to create?" "What do I want to change?" "What daily rituals do I need to incorporate everyday into my schedule?" We know what happens if you say, "I'll try". It may happen occasionally, but the action doesn't stick. Think of the gyms that empty out by end of March. Good intentions start us, but it is the daily rituals that propel us forward. It's a commitment, yes, but one that offers transformative results. In time, the positive ritual becomes a habit like brushing your teeth. You do it because it feels good and confirms your progress and dedication to self.
Change "I think I can" to "I KNOW I CAN" and marry it to your specific daily ritual. Watch the seeds you plant blossom into a beautiful garden. You will be amazed at how amazing you really are!