What a time we are living in; right out of a sci-fi movie or novel. Many messages, emails back-n-forth trying to make sense out of this scenario we find ourselves in. Below are conversations I have had in the last 18 hours. My replies are applicable to everyone.
Last night: "Please tell me Deb, what is it like to have a normal life? I don't remember."
My reply: "You will follow your heart in everything you do whether it be in business, writing, friendship or love. You have always listened to and walked to your own tune down a different path. No worries. You are always guided to make the right choices for YOU. Crazy times we live in, as well as in the near future. I must say it is quite the adventure even though at times it is challenging; history repeating itself...but at least you can stay true to your belief in the highest good for all and raise frequency by just "being" who you are...the little engine that could."
Today: "Big change and awakening coming. You?"
My reply: "We need to be "present" in whichever way the wind blows. Solid like an oak tree. Ego is nervous, your soul knows the truth. Everything is an experience for soul growth. It's how we deal with the experience that matters most. Our world has turned upside down through out history. We are always given a choice on how to "deal" with the storms of change. It is not our job to calm or control a storm...it's our job to calm ourselves; for storms always pass. Be and teach by example; persistence in your steadfast spiritual truths, and resilience in your learning spiritual lessons.
Note: I painted (a few years ago) this woman in a meditative state visioning butterflies that represent transition...change. She is surrendering by letting go of limiting beliefs that no longer serve the highest good. Perhaps you too can imagine how your outer world will shift, if you discover your inner world's answers. This is an invitation to take a meditative time-out to explore, and change the alchemy of stress to a spiritual dessert that brings forth calmness, certainty, and connection. God Bless.
Debra Taubenslag, Author
No Stone Unturned: How My Special Needs Child and I Transformed Against All Odds